Consistency: Moderately Thick
Nectar Source: Mountain Multi Flowers
Color: yellow
Taste: Fruity
Good For Skin (Scientifically Proven)
Small Bee Honey face mask is a great way to achieve clear and glowing skin. It helps get rid of pimples and acne by fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation. This natural remedy gently exfoliates and moisturizes, leaving your skin looking smoother and healthier. It's scientifically proven to be effective and easy to use.
Rich in Antioxidants
Who does not know about small honey Bee’s honey and its health benefits? Since ancient times, small bee’s honey has been utilized as both medicine and food. At Honey Bank, you will get 100% pure small bee’s honey that is ideal to use instead of refined sugar. This factor makes it 100% empty calories. Therefore, it is great for those who are conscious of calories. Our Small bee’s honey product is the natural way to get rid of all problems related to the stomach and many more.
About Small Bee’s HoneyÂ
Being collected from farms, small bee honey contains natural sweetener that you can include to your diet. Small Bees are stingless and harmless bees and are found in the tropical region of the world.
Health BenefitsÂ
Small Bee Honey at Honey Bank is 100% pure, and it is the ultimate solution to the issue of several physical health issues. It has unlimited health benefits to treat plenty of disorders without any side effects.
It is rich in antioxidants that include phenolic compounds and organic acids like flavonoids. The combination of these compounds can prevent you from cancer, strokes, heart attack, and many other disorders.
Small Bee Honey comes with diuretic qualities that are reducing the problems of water retention. Include this honey to your herbal tea to remove the extra amount of water as well as toxic material from the body. Moreover, it reduces the swelling in the result of water retention. Add honey in your regular drink to treat water retention.
Good for Eyes
Small Bee Honey provides great eye care by protecting them from inflammation. It has antibacterial and antifungal nature that is effective in the treatment of all kinds of infections and inflammation. It treats all the symptoms of pain and infections in the eyes as well.